Sunday, November 15, 2015

Illegal immigrants in the United States

Jeanette Oliva
English Comp 101
M. Schroeder


Illegal Immigration to the United States


Thesis statement- Illegal immigration is not always a negative impact towards the United States.

I.                     Definition of Illegal Immigrant

a.       An alien (non-citizen) who has entered the United States without government permission or stayed beyond termination date of a visa.

b.       A migrant who crosses national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country.

II.                   Causes of illegal immigration

a.       Economic incentives

b.       Reasons for illegal migration

III.                 Legal issues

a.       Immigration laws and rules

b.       Prevention of illegal immigration

c.       Employment and DREAM Act

d.       Apprehension, Detention, and Deportation

IV.                Impacts

a.       Economic and environment

b.       Harm to illegal immigrants when crossing border

c.       Public Health Preparedness and Emergency Management